Studio Nails
Really, I wasn't looking...just shopping at a sale (you know how I love sales!), and a girl walked by with a tag that said "CEO Studio Nails", and of course, I zeroed in on her. I spoke with her briefly and got her landmark, and went to visit.
Having "HUD" on the brain, after spending so long developing my shoe hud (see below), I immediately zoomed in on the nail HUD shown below.
I marveled at the concept - a nail HUD that you could load with the nails for sale nearby. I checked the price of the HUD (1,000L - yes, I know), and then the price of the nails that could be loaded into it (1L to 30L), and was able to rapidly justify the cost of the HUD, since I pay 150L-300L at Candy Nail or Risa's. After four pair, the cost would become less than I pay now. SOLD!
As I looked around, I saw that there are also prim nails to be bought without the HUD, for around 250L per pair, with some great designs - looking just like RL nail art (sorry, I'm a bit burned out on all the skulls I'm seeing not my style!).
Of course, being me, I simply had to contact the owner, Anastacia Magic, and tell her how fabulous I thought this was. During the course of our conversation, she told me that she had spent three months doing research and development, and getting the copyright on her HUD. Yes, she copyrighted her HUD - so don't try to steal it, or she will prosecute and I may come gunning for you myself! Anastacia told me that she released the nail HUD in April. I'm totally surprised that she managed to stay below my radar, but of course, it has been a busy few months for me.
When I went back to the store to sign into her Subscribe-o-Matic, I noticed a rather large display wall that I had missed when I was first there. On it were limited edition nails which, at 550L-600L are a wee bit pricey, but ooooh, they are so pretty, and I'm hoping that they don't sell out before I can justify the cost on top of what I spent today.
So, if you love your prim nails as I do, run by Studio Nails and check them out....I'm pretty sure you'll like what you see ;)
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