Today, I'm here to tell you about a new group that's been formed in Second Life, and you just may want to join it, since it's free. The group is called 21Shoe Event Group. Shoe designers offer two pairs of shoes for the...
Beautiful People
February 14, 2014
LivGlam recently released a new line called Black Label. Black Label means that you are buying a garment that is 100% original mesh and textures - and not duplicated by anyone else in the market. Yes, exclusive originals. It excited me to hear...
I am Honey Crisp (formerly known as HoneyBear Lilliehook). I've been a resident of Second Life since June 16, 2007 and have been blogging Second Life fashions for several years.
SL and Second Life are trademarks of Linden Research, Inc. Virtual Fashionista and/or Virtual Freebies are not affiliated with or sponsored by Linden Research. No copyright infringement is intended. If you feel your copyright has been breached, please contact me. All photos, unless otherwise specified, belong to me and may not be published without my permission.
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